
Join us at WebSummit 2023
24 Oct 2023
1 min read

Meet Us at WebSummit 2023: A Date to Save

Hey there,

Big news! We're heading to WebSummit 2023 in Lisbon on Tuesday, November 14, and we couldn’t be more excited!

WebSummit is recognized as an event that brings together a global network of professionals from the technology sector to engage in meaningful dialogues and showcase emerging technologies​.

With over 71,000 attendees and a diverse range of sessions that include tech experts, cultural icons, and global policymakers, WebSummit offers a rich environment for knowledge exchange and networking​.

If you're curious about what we do at, this is a perfect chance to chat with us in person. Let’s share some coffee, ideas, and explore how we can shape the digital landscape together.

Save the date, and let’s make it a day of insightful exchanges!

See you in Lisbon,

The Team

Slava Popkov

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