100,000+ real e-com dialogs
Our chat AI is trained on 100,000+ real E-com dialogues. It recognizes customers' questions and activates the right chat-app.
Effortlessly serving customers across your website, WhatsApp, Instagram Direct, and 10+ additional text channels
up to 60%
and 0
Our chat AI is trained on 100,000+ real E-com dialogues. It recognizes customers' questions and activates the right chat-app.
Chat-apps are controlled by buttons, not messages, which can be easily misunderstood. Just like mobile apps. And everybody loves apps!
Order managment
Loyalty & promotions
Our chat AI trained on 100 000+ real E-com conversations. We consolidate anonymized and depersonalized data from real businesses and use it to teach our AI model. Every business gets extra value from this cooperative deep learning process, without releasing any private commercial data
Engage your Live Agents
The platform is equipped with an enterprise level agent console. Our clients run chat centers with up to 50 live agents online that serve 100,000+ dialogs per month
Schedule a demo with our expert!